
Computers Vs. Books

There are many who believe that the traditional book is being phased out in favour of the computer.
the television was becoming the norm in homes, when appeared the new technologies people no longer read so much because they have another
greater entertainment (the computer, the television set, etc...). It is paper which disappearing little by little.
In many ways, this is a good thing, because paper comes from trees and trees are becoming scarce and that be a wonderful advance for the environment.
The people think that is more funny play and talk with the computer than read because the people say that read is very boring.

Difrents Opinions:

The San Francisco Examiner has this article about the renovation of San Francisco libraries and decisions to have more floor space for computers and less for book stacks. It is wonderful to see people in the community pushing for room for more books! But as in any library everything is a balancing act, and I don't believe that any librarian is seeing this as a technology vs. books decision. As someone who has increased the number of computers without losing book space, I am grateful for not having to make this type of decision. Posted by Tasha Saecker


Technologie that for only ten years ago seamed impossible is now an important part of the modern community. Comptuers are getting more and more advanced and it has now been built computers with 1000 gigabyte (one terabyte). And who nows, soon we proboly will build computers with tons of petabytes, exabytes, zettabytes and so on...An earlier problem with computers was their size and prize, they was to large and to expensive, but as time has gone they have shrinked both in size an prize. In the future we will proboly have computers with tons of terabytes, so small that you can put it in your pocket, which only cost you 5 dollars.Computers are not only more practical than books. Just think of all the trees that will be saved. In this debate I will debate for that computers are the future and that computers will be an important part of the in future community. Posted by Immortal Norway.

My personal opinion:

I think that the technology has come far in recent years ,the progress society is making, some of us can't help but wonder if newer is always better.
Mainly young people,let read because they prefer to spend his time in amusing itself of another way mainly in THE TECHNOLOGY, for that reason it has been let read.
before it was read more because the technology wasn't so outpost.

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