
Past Continuous

FORM: [was/were + present participle]

The past continuous of any verb is composed of two parts : the past tense of the verb to be (was/were), and the base of the main verb +ing

The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and was still going on at the time of speaking.

It is used:

- Often, to describe the background in a story written in the past tense.

- To describe an unfinished action that was interrupted by another event or action: "I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang."

- To express a change of mind: e.g. "I was going to spend the day at the beach but I've decided to go on an excursion instead."


* I was studying when she called


*I wasn't studing when she called


*Was I studing when she called?

It is important to remember that non-continuous verbs can't be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for mixed verbs can't be used in continuous tenses. Instead of using Past Continuous with these verbs, you must use simple past.

- Jane was being at my house when you arrived. Not Correct
- Jane was at my house when you arrived. Correct

Credits: http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/pastperfectcontinuous.html

past continous -



Tanzania is a country in East Africa,on the Indian Ocean.
Languages: Swahili, English ,Arabic; many local languages.
Religions: Christian 30%, Islam 35%, indigenous 35%; Zanzibar: more than 99% Islam
Area: 945,000 sq. km.
Population: 39.3 million.

The United Republic of Tanzania was formed out of the union of two sovereign states namely Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Tanganyika became a sovereign state on 9th December, 1961 and became a Republic the following year. Zanzibar became independent on 10th December, 1963 and the People's Republic of Zanzibar was established after the revolution of 12th January, 1964. The two sovereign republics formed the United Republic of Tanzania on 26th April, 1964. However, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is a unitary republic consisting of the Union Government and the Zanzibar Revol
utionary Government.

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