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FaLLaS is a celebration from Valencia...It began when the people were throwing the old things that it didn't want to the street and together they were burning everything.
The Fallas are enormous models made out of papier mache, wood and wax.
In this celebration the "falleros" and "falleras" they dress the"falleros&falleras"for the Cavalcade.

In fallas there are falleras/os,mascletás,fireworks,cavalcades,firecrackers and overcoat a lot of people doing the hooligan.
The city is adorned in decorations and fallas later begin the festival:

the nomination and proclamation of the Fallas Queens , the Exaltation, the Cridá, the Cavalcade of the Ninot, the Offering of Flowers, the Planta and the Cremá.

The Cremá:
the Cremá is when the fallas are burned(St. Joseph, 19th March.)

on march 14-Closing of the Exposición of the Ninot Infantil

on march 15- Plantá of all the fallas

on march 19 -Cremá goodbye fallas!!



http://www.fallas.es/2007/Until the next year :)

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