
My bOok....*

The ghost of the genny castle....*]
*The story of my book is about one girl called Clarie who goes to stay whit her Aunt Min.
Her Aunt Min lives in a small village of little Genny and near it is an old castle.

*Clarie is interesed in the castle and she wants to know story of the castle; terrible accidents had

happened there, animals and people dead....

One day, Clarie goes to the castle to see and she discovers that someone is looking at her....

it is a ghost!!!!!!!

*The ghost asked her...Who are you??
and Clarie answeres, I called Clarie.
The ghost said to her that was impossible,
Clarie was dead,Clarie got scared and left.

*My pesonal opinion:

* I think that my book is entretaining because it is of mystery.
But sometimes it was a bit boring because it was a typical story of fear and ghosts.
I recomend other people to read it short and besides there are explanations of most difficult word in every pages.

The principal characters:

* The main characters in my book are Clarie,a young girl and her aunt also...

* Clarie---- She is young, she has blond hair, she is tall, thin, of opened personality; very nice, agreeable, and very courios.

* Aunt Min---- She is old, of greyish hair, agreeable and good person.

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