
Desert Sahara الصحراء الكبر

The Sahara, covering large parts of Norht Africa. Around 4 million people live here.

Is the world's largest hot
desert, and second largest desert afterAntartica. At over 9,000,000 square kilometres.
The majority of the people living in the Sahara Desert are nomads, which means that these people are always moving from place to place.

Another group of people that live in the Sahara are the Berbers. Earlier in their history the Berbers lived across the whole northern part of Africa. In the 1600's the Arabs invaded North Africa and pushed the Berbers towards the Atlas Mountains and other areas near the Sahara. Today most of the Berbers live in Morocco and Algeria. They make up 40 percent of Morocco's population and 30 percent of Algeria's population. They live in rural areas where they raise sheep and cattle. Nowadays, some have even begun growing crops. In the larger villages, Berbers live in stone houses but in the smaller villages they live in tents or clay huts.


