
The greenhouse Effect

The effect produced as greenhouse gases allow incoming solar radiation to pass through the Earth's atmosphere, but prevent most of the outgoing infrared radiation from the surface and lower atmosphere from escaping into outer space. This process occurs naturally and has kept the Earth's temperature about 60 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it would otherwise be. Current life on Earth could not be sustained without the natural greenhouse effect.
The Greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrouse,oxide, and methane, for example).
Retrieved fat - Sunday, January 28, 2007-


Princess Mononoke...*

The Princess mononoke is a Japanese film of Hayao Miyazaki.It is a cartoon that went out in 2000.

Story: The Princess Mononoke is a film about a boy's (Asithaka) life in a small village.One day a devil hurts him. He goes to a forest and finds "the spirit of life and death" which can heal him. At the end of the movie he gets what he wants and falls in love with San(The Princess Mononoke).

Characters most importants of the film:


Lady Eboshi

Shishigami/Great Forest


He characters less important:

Toki and Koroku,
Nago no Kami/Lord Nago,


The bomb in the T.4(E.T.A)

The terrorist band,called E.T.A broke last on Saturday, the 30th of December the high place the fire that they had announced nine months before, on March 24, 2006. put a van - the bomb placed in the parking of the (T-4) of "Barajas" that there provoked the disappearance of two persons and of twenty wounded persons, two Ecuadorians whose bodies the effective ones of search of rescue without the rest between the tons of rubbles.Zapatero announced the suspension of the dialogue with the terrorist band after the attempt, for that calculates that they used between five hundred and eight hundreds of kilos of explosives.

The truth is that not, it is not necessary to use the violence to obtain what you want,your dreams.I think that it is better to speak, speaking many they can obtain more things, it is not necessary to stick, it is not necessary to suffer, to suffer the pain.
I would like that it was not necessary to use the violence, but sometimes in certain circumstances you have to use her to destroy or to finish with something.


christmas around the world**


The great majority of the Irishes is the Catholic.One of the most singular traditions of the Christmas decoration in Ireland they are the candles. A great white candle is placed in the entry of the house or in some window. This candle ignites the smallest of the house the day of Christmas Eve, a symbol about giving to the welcome to the Sacred Family and only can be extinguished by a woman called Maria


In countries of another hemisphere like Australia the Christmas has the particularity of which it is celebrated during the summer, in order that the classic Christmas environment of snow and cold I to whom we are accustomed, there it transforms in beaches and the Holy summer Claus.


the day of after the dinner of Christmas Eve, the children wait impatiently for the gifts. When a small bell sounds (that is placed behind the door of the lounge), the children go out running because they know that under the tree they find her gifts, but they cannot open them until they don't sing the traditional Christmas carol of " in the night of Peace

Like you see there are different ways of celebrating the christmas, like also many religions exist.
The equal tree is not decorated, don't eat up equally, the families don't re-join equally, simply we all are difrentes, nobody is equal.